Ten great Greek films test the strength of their materials. People drawn to extremes, characters put under pressure. Conditions which twist, deform or crash.
The summing up of forces which act vertically on the surface of a body / the exertion of force upon a surface by an object, fluid, etc. / a constraining or compelling force or influence / an action which brings somebody in distress, difficulties, harassment; oppression, etc.
Deterioration of shape and size of solid bodies due to effect of forces / the act of deforming; distortion; disfigurement/ a change in the shape or dimensions of a body, resulting from stress; strain / distortion and alteration/ deterioration of the image due to diversion by lens.
The practice of the result of breaking / the act of breaking; state of being broken/ do ~: Greek idiom a. for someone who is very effective and successful b. something bad that has expanded / also catastrophe, smash.