The draw for the works of art is has been completed and the winning numbers are: 2 GPO, 315 Andreas Zafeiratos, 192 Andreas Zafeiratos, 422 Giorgos Botsos, 147 GPO, 137 GPO, 27 GPO, 135 Smart, 76 Smart, 187 Andreas...
15/11/2012 |
11/11/2012 Today at 18:30, in the theatre room of the first floor. Speakers: Avgoustinos Zenakos (journalist, Unfollow magazine), Ilan Manouach (artist-publisher), Theofilos Tramboulis (curator-writer). Coordinator: Giannis... |
10/11/2012 From 18:30 at room 17 (Hellenic Association for the Study and Control of AIDS) on the second floor of the Festival, you can draw and design anything related to the theme of the room. White surfaces are set up waiting... |
10/11/2012 Today, from 18:00 to 22:00, Thodoris Bargiotas (the creator of PERNILONGO, published by Jemma Press) will be at the festival in order to sign copies of his books for his fans and the visitors of the festival. |
10/11/2012 At 18:30 Giuseppe Palumbo will be with us in order to sign copies of his books for fans and visitors, on the second floor of Materials Resistace! |
09/11/2012 Today at 18:00 and for the rest of the evening Greek artists will be signing their books in the room of multiple uses. Can’t wait to see you there! |